
UDK: 624.072.2:624.023
DOI: n/a

Published: Građevinar 59 (2007) 9
Paper type: Preliminary report
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Testing influence of ties on the bearing capacity of concrete beams at compressive failure

Jure Radnić, Alen Harapin, Radoslav Markić


Results obtained during experimental testing of tie influence on bearing capacity and deformability of concrete beams subjected to pure bending, with compressive failure of concrete, are presented. The way in which the concrete strength and the form and spacing of ties exert influence on the limit capacity and deformability of beams is studied. The testing method, involving three identical samples for every state, is described, and the results are presented as average values of measured parameters. Practical recommendations are given in the final part of the paper.

compressive failure, bearing capacity, concrete beam, deformability, tie, sample, pure bending


Radnić, J., Harapin, A., Markić, R.: Testing influence of ties on the bearing capacity of concrete beams at compressive failure, GRAĐEVINAR, 59 (2007) 9


Radnić, J., Harapin, A., Markić, R. (2007). Testing influence of ties on the bearing capacity of concrete beams at compressive failure, GRAĐEVINAR, 59 (9)
Jure Radnic WEB
Jure Radnić
University of Split
Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Geodesy
Harapin Alen
Alen Harapin
University of Split,
Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Geodesy

Radoslav Markić